IPÊ 30 Years

Ipê 30 Years

Three decades of working for the
conservation of biodiversity

Since its foundation in 1992, IPÊ has always been determined
to act for the conservation of Brazilian biodiversity. In these 30 years, there have been many positive results, with the dedication of our teams, partnerships with companies and articulation with public authorities. These achievements encourage us to move forward in our mission. We thank everyone who believed and continues to support IPÊ's work!

Our 30 years in a flash

Suzana Padua
This may be the secret of IPÊ's history:
working for a cause that is bigger than us as individuals. It is the cry for the wholeness of life in its fullest manifestation.
Wanting to be better and better to contribute to what we believe to be valuable is the force that drives us.

Suzana Pádua, IPÊ's founder and president
Excerpt from "Our 30 years in a flash"

Our impact

Maria Regina dos Santos está entre os empreendedores que investiram nos últimos anos no setor
Medici_Tapirs_PANTANAL_Brazil_HRS_Credit_Joao Marcos Rosa
Geraldo-Peixoto-produtor de cacau beneficiado pelo projeto EducacaoPaisagemComunidade

13 thousand
benefited on average per year (mean of the last 5 years)


Over 360
partial and
full scholarships


6 million
trees planted in the Atlantic Forest, preserving fauna and water resources, by 2021

Corredor_Pontal_credito_foto_Laurie Hedges_

6 species
of fauna researched directly, generating indirect benefits for another 100 species

Over 180
trained masters

BARCO MAIRA_credito_Rudi_Solon

Over 7 thousand
people trained in conservation and sustainability by ESCAS courses


50 awards and recognitions

Works with several projects in the Amazon, Pantanal and Atlantic Forest biomes

Tamandua bandeira monitorado por colar de GPS

Our goals at 30 years old and how we act for Brazil's biodiversity

Like the Brazilian Nature, our actions are diversified.
We learned that, in order to deal with biodiversity conservation, it is necessary not only to contemplate the fauna and other organisms in natural areas, but also to listen to the people who establish relationships of interdependence with these elements. To fulfill its mission, IPÊ acts with eight major strategic objectives.

The strategic objective of conserving biodiversity permeates all IPÊ actions and encompasses different perspectives and scales. With research to understand ecosystems and their associated services, we also influence and promote mobilization actions for public policies and socio-biodiversity.

Check out our achievements here.

Opportunities for education and training, together with intellectual production, knowledge and experiences originated from the work performed by the IPÊ team and its collaborators, are strategically directed to take the conservation agenda to different sectors. Supporting the creation of public policies and influencing the socio-environmental agenda on companies' agendas are also part of our strategy.

Check out our achievements here.

The black lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) is the symbol species of the state of São Paulo and a milestone in IPÊ’s history. The tamarin's region of occurrence is restricted (west of the state of São Paulo) and its habitat is extremely reduced due to deforestation.
It is an “umbrella” species, as actions planned for its conservation also benefit other species within the same ecosystem.

Check out our achievements here.

In regions of high forest fragmentation, our actions of forest restoration and landscape connectivity, in addition to the protection of native vegetation in critical areas for the supply of water resources, stand out. In landscapes where native vegetation is still predominant, we promote economic activities compatible with the conservation of biodiversity.

Check out our achievements here.

Our environmental education teams are essential for establishing bridges between IPÊ's research and conservation work and the general public. Therefore, they collaborate directly with public education systems, offering students and teachers the opportunity to delve deeper into topics that are part of the socio-environmental agenda.

Check out our achievements here.

Government, companies and civil society perform relevant roles in the transformation towards sustainability. We always seek this connection in our projects, establishing partnerships for the conservation of biodiversity. We highlight the partnerships made with the private sector, through our Sustainable Business Unit, and our collaboration with public bodies in the management of protected areas.

Check out our achievements here.

We contribute to the strengthening of protected areas in Brazil, including Indigenous Lands and Conservation Units, through projects to fill gaps in areas such as management plans, training of managers, development of sustainable economic activities, monitoring of biodiversity and integration with communities and local organizations.

Check out our achievements here.

Implicating society around a major issue such as biodiversity in Brazil is a major challenge. We are always dedicated to disseminating knowledge about biodiversity, with the aim of encouraging people to work with a focus on sustainability and environmental conservation. Through education and communication, we bring quality information to the public, encouraging mobilization and action.

Check out our achievements here.

Inspirational Stories

People come to IPÊ to find a place to carry out their purposes, connected to the conservation of biodiversity.
Know their stories:

IPÊ keeps moving on!

Eduardo Ditt
Challenges such as degradation, climate change and loss of biodiversity may increase over the next few years.
But society has awakened to these issues, including new generations. This is a significant counterpoint. Human beings are capable of changing this scenario for the better and creating new development paradigms.

Eduardo Ditt, IPÊ's executive director

See our year-over-year results here